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Rare Color of Diamonds

What is natural color of diamonds?

The natural color of a diamond is the color that formed inside a natural diamond by naturally, these natural color and clarity enriched diamonds are said to be the most expensive diamonds in this entire world. The appearance of color in a diamond is a natural process and this gives a rich value to that particular diamond. There are different colors in natural colored diamonds they are, the pink, the yellow, the red and the blue. The yellow colored diamonds are the diamonds which contains many nitrogen impurities with it and this makes such diamonds to be visible in desired color. The blue and brown colored diamonds are also other types in natural color diamonds where it produces blue and brown colors to a naked eye respectively. In common these brown color diamonds are called as champagne diamonds because its color resembles a cool and soft drinks color. These natural colored diamonds are found all over the world such as Africa, Australia, South America and tec. The main reason in color change of a diamond happens when it undergoes a high temperature and high pressure.

Rarest color is Red

Among the rare diamonds the red colored diamonds is the rarest one in this entire world, this color red itself a color of passion, where the red colored diamond is the rarest one. Many of the jewelers have not even seen such red colored diamonds in their life, but after the re- creation of artificial diamonds this may come possible that many gemstones are turned into required color at high temperature, even though these are not hundred succeeded. These red colored diamonds will be costing more than any other diamonds, where you can get a mixed red color and brown colored diamonds but the rarest one is the pure red color diamonds. The Moussaieff Red Diamond is also known as red shield diamond which weighs about five carat and this diamond is believed to be the most precious diamond in this whole world. This Moussaieff Red Diamond is kept in Smithsonian's The Splendor of Diamonds collection. It’s a fine ruby red diamond it costs more than 0.3 million dollars.

Famous red diamond

Famous red diamond which is already known as red shield diamond made the red gemstones popularity in the market, and also many artificial red diamonds are manufactured in the market to make this red colored diamond to available for every personals in the diamond market. The red color diamond is famous because there are only few number of red diamonds available in this entire planet this is very hard and made the red diamond as a precious diamond, to recover this situation many scientists at their laboratories putting their full efforts on creating such red diamonds, this can achieved only when a diamond is subjected to kept at high temperature and high pressure which is commonly called as HTHP, by this process a diamond can be color changed.

Second rarest is Pink diamond

The pink diamond is the second rarest diamond in the jewelry market, this diamond was first discovered in South Africa about nineteen ninety’s. The natural fancy color diamonds are the costlier diamonds, they are also very rare to find only few sellers and buyers hold these type of rare pink colored diamonds the darya- I- Nur is one of the rarest diamond, which weighs nearly one hundred and eighty five carat and this is said to be the largest pink diamond in this world. Among the top natural colored diamonds one out of sixty six will be a pink colored diamond and rest of them will be belong to some other colored diamond. These fancy pink colored diamonds are more expensive when compared to color less one. There are also many types of pink colored diamonds available among that the nicest pink will be most expensive. The nitrogen impurities were also found less in these types of Pink colored diamonds. Over all diamond color rating eighty eight percentage of diamond color denotes the yellow color, where as the balance percentage alone represents the rarest diamond colors.

Famous pink diamond

The famous pink color diamonds are the established after the raise of Argyle mine in Australia where it started to produce a huge number of diamonds among that pink diamonds are also included these diamonds are very expensive and only the pre ordered crews can get these diamonds. When there is a lot of good quality diamonds available sure there will be a huge trades will be conducted all over the world, these trades will become more hot when there are lot of demand from the customers. To solve these artificial diamonds are released in the market, many people love the nature and they insist to use the artificial one because the natural diamonds would be operated from the mines when there is more number of needs, sure the mine and the labor will increased for that business. To avoid such things some people go for artificial one and they keep on suggesting the artificial one. This reduced the natural pink diamonds demands and the synthetic diamonds got more number in production and it full filled the market and customer needs. The legend of Pink diamond was auctioned for nearly fifteen million dollars. Until the discovery of these pink diamonds the white diamonds are said to be the most beautiful diamonds, when this Argyle pink was discovered all turned upside down, even though there are lot of white diamond fans available this pink colored diamond made the entire world to put their eyes on this pink colored diamonds. Every natural pink colored diamond are expected to go sale of around five to fifteen millions dollars, this itself a great victory for the pink colored diamonds in the market and it predicted its new status in the world diamond market.

All the rare diamond stones and famous diamond stones will be recorded in the GIA, from where you can get the real statistical values on the diamonds and the market need.